OLLI instructor Nick Curro and students at Watermelon Music
OLLI instructor Nick Curro and students at Watermelon Music this year.

You're Invited to the OLLI Fall Kick-off and Volunteer Appreciation Mixer

Come celebrate the beginning of the 2024-25 year with OLLI friends! You’re invited to our FREE Saturday morning mixer where you’ll learn about our new fall courses, new excursions and new instructors. Join us to thank our volunteers and teachers for their efforts to support OLLI’s programs throughout the region. See below for additional event details:

When: Saturday, August 24 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. PT
Where: UC Davis International Center, 463 California Avenue
(free parking!)
What: Free refreshments, music, guest speakers and more
Who: Bring a friend!

Click here to RSVP.

OLLI fall 2024 catalog cover

Watch Your Mailbox – Important Dates to Remember...

The OLLI fall 2024 print catalog is in the mail and should start reaching homes by August 15. Our online version is available to view and download now.

We’ve got 38 engaging classes and excursions planned for the fall. Make note of important dates as we prepare for the coming quarter:

  • Saturday, August 24 – Fall Kick-off & Volunteer Appreciation Mixer
  • Monday, August 26 – Registration opens for fall courses
  • Monday, September 30 – Fall courses begin!

Classroom News – A Return to Watermelon Music!

While Watermelon Music has closed its retail operation, OLLI has been invited to continue our agreement for classroom space at The Melon Ball starting in late September.

Local music instructors will continue offering lessons in the adjacent practice rooms, and more music-related business at the site will be announced in the coming months. Details and address information can be found on the inside cover of our fall catalog.

OLLI is glad to support community arts and music as tenants of The Melon Ball.
