Governor's Budget Proposed $15M for UC Extensions

Gavin Newsom’s recent budget proposed $15M one-time General Fund for UC Extensions to support expanded degree completion and certification programs. The UC Extension deans are in consultation with UCOP on strategies for funding allocation.

Full text from higher education chapter:

Recent studies have shown that millions of Californians have some college credits, but do not have a degree, and are not currently enrolled in a college or university. The Budget proposes $15 million one-time General Fund for UC extension centers to provide outreach to these Californians, some of whom are former UC students, develop additional course-taking opportunities, and assist students in completing a degree or a professional certificate. This funding will enable the UC to build upon and transform existing programs. It is expected that the extension programs and courses will continue to be supported by student fees. Providing additional options for Californians who have some college credits, but do not have a degree, to complete a degree or a professional certificate is expected to improve the long-term economic and social mobility of students who opt to take courses through an extension center.

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