LAFCO: Planning and Regulating the Boundaries and Service Areas of Cities and Special Districts in California

Receive an overview of statutes and procedures for creating and modifying the organization of cities and special districts in California. This course is essential for anyone involved with land use planning, community boundaries, the delivery of local governmental services and the influences associated with new development and population growth.

The evolving laws that govern the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in each county, and LAFCOs’ decisions concerning local governmental boundary changes, are central to the future of California. Examine how LAFCO determinations affect local government’s ability to provide adequate services, plan for revenue changes, accommodate population growth, and protect valuable agricultural and open space resources.

Discuss the respective responsibilities of counties, cities, special districts, LAFCOs and the public as they relate to local governmental boundary changes. Learn about boundary change laws and practices, municipal service reviews, sphere of influence updates, disadvantaged unincorporated communities and relevant court decisions that influence boundary change procedures.

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