Introduction to UrbanFootprint

Learn how to use UrbanFootprint the new generation of land use scenario creation and analysis tools. Gain hands-on experience with creating, editing and analyzing scenarios. Learn how the tool treats land use, and how it analyzes the scenarios to better understand how land use and transportation interact and how the land use decisions made now will impact natural resources, energy use, and fiscal health in and around communities.

UrbanFootprint is based on advanced server technologies and enables users with a web browser and internet connection to edit land use scenarios and conduct analysis across a wide range of performance measures. Written entirely using open source software, UrbanFootprint enables Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and other city, county, regional, and state governmental organizations to use a common platform for land use, transportation, and resource scenarios. Because of the open source nature of UrbanFootprint, non-profit and other non-governmental organizations will be able to use the software to develop and compare scenarios either independently or collaboratively.

UrbanFootprint is the formal name for the urban footprint modeling software created by Calthorpe Analytics.

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