Groundwater Management: Legal and Engineering Principles

Effective groundwater management requires a combined understanding of the legal principles and physical characteristics of the resource. Gain an in depth understanding of the 2014 groundwater sustainability legislative act, requirements for groundwater users, effects on water rights, hydrologic concepts for sustainability planning, alternative submittals, and pros and cons of adjudications. The lectures provide a combined understanding of the legal principles and physical characteristics of the resource. Explore the fundamental tenets of California groundwater law, including distinctions between percolating groundwater and surface water, the definition of basin boundaries, concepts of sustainable yield and undesirable effects, and how different categories of groundwater rights may apply under the new legislative requirements.

  1. Overview of SGMA
  2. Basic Hydrologic Principles: Basin Boundaries; Safe Yield; Overdraft
  3. Basic Legal Principles: Types of groundwater rights and priority rules; Prescription
  4. Advanced hydrologic & legal principles: Well interference & Legal Classification of Groundwater
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